Richard Dobson

Avid gamer since the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Grew up with the PS1 and PS2 but changed allegiances in 2007 with the release of Halo 3.

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Madden NFL 24 Review

The excellent on-field action in Madden NFL 24 is badly let down by the performance elsewhere.

Head Into the Sky and explore the clouds above

It sounds precarious, but is actually a calming experience. Into the Sky is out today on Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.

Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition – Xbox Series X|S Edition Review

Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition for the Xbox Series X|S is a bit of a strange beast.

PowerA Advantage Wired Controller for Xbox – Sonic Style Review

The PowerA Advantage Wired Controller for Xbox - Sonic Style comes in many shades of blue

Ginger: Beyond The Crystal Review

If, like me, you grew up in the 90s, the games you more than likely remember will be 3D platformers. They were everywhere around the turn of the millennium, and responsible for some of our fondest memories growing up (The original Spyro trilogy still has a place in my heart). But then, they just disappeared. Or rather, stopped being as good before stopping altogether. And as a result, there is a big void in today’s gaming landscape of decent 3D platformers. Ginger: Beyond the Crystal is a 3D platformer. Is it the one to fill the gap?

One Hundred Ways Review

What do you get if you cross Kula World with an isometric view, add in a design that would be easiest to describe as a futuristic Waterworld, churn it out for a mobile platform then port it over to the Xbox One? One Hundred Ways of course!

Firewatch Review

Henry is in his mid-40’s and looking for some company and/or an escape after his wife developed early-onset dementia aged just 41. Delilah is also in her mid-40’s who, after having her heart broken 10 years ago, is struggling to come to terms with meeting new people and spends most of her days communicating via walkie-talkie. These may sound like (badly) written lonely hearts column pieces, but these two people and their problems are the basis for the game, Firewatch.

Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy Review

“Please press ‘A’ to play”. Never before have I been greeted like this by a game. Usually it’s simply “Press ‘A’ to start” or even more abruptly, “Press ‘A’”. Star Hammer greets you this far more polite way after the usual developer and publisher logo screens, and it’s almost like it’s giving you a choice as to whether you would like to play or not. Sadly though, pressing A at all may have been the wrong choice.

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Review

Normally I would open this review with a bit of a back-story to the game and the developer. But Pac-Man is as iconic as they come, having been around since 1980, and even recognised by people who wouldn’t associate themselves with video games. In essence, gaming wouldn’t be the same without Pac-Man, just like the BBC won’t be the same without The Great British Bake Off. Too soon?

Fallout 4: Nuka-World DLC Review

Nuka-World is the sixth and final piece of DLC for Fallout 4. Or the third if you are only counting story-based DLC. Or just the second if you are inclined to not count the Automatron DLC. Whatever it is though, the Fallout 4 DLC releases have seen constant peaks and troughs when compared to previous Bethesda games, and hopefully this final content pack finishes what has been largely a very enjoyable experience on a good note.

Prominence Poker Review

After a three-month head start on Steam, Prominence Poker has now made its way on to the Xbox One. Is it a Royal Flush or about as useful as 2-7 off suit hole cards?

Mirror’s Edge: Exordium TPB Review

The term ‘exordium’ derives from Latin and simply means ‘beginning’. Much has been said regarding 2016’s Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and whether it was a sequel, prequel, or complete reboot? One thing has to be said though, to fully understand the game in whatever state it is in the Mirror’s Edge timeline, without the full Exordium, will prove difficult.

Dungeon Punks Review

Do not try and use the left analog stick to move your character. I repeat: Do not try and use the left analog stick to move your character. You may spend a good five minutes trying, before deciding your controller is broken. Much like I did. But this is not the case. Your controller is not broken so do not try and take it apart. Dungeon Punks does not utilise either of the analog sticks by default. Changing this in the Settings screen makes the movement a lot easier, but spell execution can become more sporadic.

Song of the Deep Review

Firstly, a confession: I have no idea what a Metroidvania type game plays like, having played neither a Metroid game or a Castlevania game. This isn’t the worst gaming crime I have committed though, I will save that one for another time. What intrigued me to try Song of the Deep more than anything else was simply that it was being developed by Insomniac, a company responsible for some of the greatest games during my formative years, and who recently developed a bit of a reputation creating some of the most original weapons across the likes of Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive.

Taking a look at Free-to-Play on Xbox One

The term Free-to-Play can instantly conjure up a myriad of negative connotations to the more traditional gamer: parents being fleeced thousands of pounds because they left their child alone for 10 minutes on Simpsons: Tapped Out, the more sinister business model Pay-to-Win, and generally the content of games being a lower standard with revenues not been explicitly known beforehand. This may have been the case during the F2P formative years, but like a reformed criminal, they have come out of the darkness and really got their act together, across all forms of gaming devices.

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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts – Film Review

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is definitely a better movie than the original non-Energon Transformers saga, but also a less exciting one.

Embrace the car culture of The Crew Motorfest

It's about going all-in and embracing the car culture of The Crew Motorfest. Start your engines - this is going to be a wild ride. 

Embraced by Autumn Review

The intro promises some future dramatic, potentially even salacious turns, but not one of the four different stories delivers. It’s all too tentative. In the end, Embraced by Autumn could have done with just a little more confidence and sass.

Forza Horizon 5 Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges Guide Series 24 – Spring

The hot season has appeared in Mexico and the world of Forza Horizon 5. Are you ready to bring the virtual heat to the streets of Mexico, with a whole new bunch of events with the Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges for Series 24 Spring. 

Call of the Wild: The Angler Review

When all the aspects of Call of the Wild: The Angler come together, the resulting mix is actually a pleasant place to spend a few hours.

Latest Reviews

The Isle Tide Hotel Review

If you're an FMV fan then you're going to enjoy a lot of what The Isle Tide Hotel has to offer. But just remember - don’t ever leave your room at night. 

Childish Energy Review – the cool kids on the energy drinks block

Childish Energy must impress to get the likes of Sneak Energy and G Fuel turning their heads. Read on for our thoughts on the latest guests to the energy drinks party.

Mirrored Souls Review

Mirrored Souls does get frustrating at times and it will test your patience with every turn, but there is a lot to love here.

Urbek City Builder Review

In a genre that is dominated by Cities: Skylines, it’s good to see something new pop up. Especially when it is perhaps a more friendly, simple sim experience like that found here in Urbek City Builder.

Mondealy Review

Mondealy comes in at a perfect price point, especially when you consider the six hour or so adventure you’ll have.