HomeReviews3/5 ReviewChrome Wolf Review

Chrome Wolf Review


It is about that time again where KEMCO unleash a new game onto an unsuspecting public. This time that game is Chrome Wolf. 

Given that KEMCO have just recently passed the milestone of having 50 RPGs launched on the Xbox, they don’t seem to show any sign of slowing down, as Chrome Wolf is, just for a change, a retro styled JRPG. One thing you can say about KEMCO is that they stick to what they know. 

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A lone tank in a Chrome Wolf world

We will have a look at the story of Chrome Wolf first, hoping it has enough about it to hold the interest. The news here is pretty good, as the story is decent. 

Kruz is an Imperial soldier, and as the game opens, we are sent out into the field to stop the Unicornian rebel army. However, it turns out that the mission is a lie; the townsfolk mostly dead. When a comrade of Kruz is killed defending some Unicornian children (and yes, they are unicorns, complete with horns, but with a human-like posture) Kruz defects from the Imperial Army and joins the Rebels. There he joins the elite Chrome Wolf brigade, tasked with all the hardest missions in the war and expected to come out on top. What follows is a tale of revenge, atonement, justice and ideals… At least that is what it says here!

Away from the narrative and the presentation of Chrome Wolf is pretty much standard for a KEMCO JRPG; there is nothing we haven’t seen before. There is the world map for us to wander about on, filled with various locations that we can enter and explore. While we are on the world map, and even in certain locations, we can jump into a tank if we are feeling a little squishy, capable of fighting back against various enemies as we do so. 

Those foes seem to have been recycled from earlier KEMCO games – apart from the tanks, obviously – and while they aren’t the most imaginative bunch of foes I’ve seen, they do the job. There are a variety of different areas to fight in too, from mountain tops to arid deserts, and with the now traditional storytelling text boxes telling us what is going on, the game is exactly as you would expect. However, the translation seems a little bit weird, as the text isn’t always clear as to what is going on; you’ll need to read between to get the gist of what is happening. And in regards the audio, the music and battle sound effects are again all standard – all in all it is business as usual. 

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It’s not long before the battles commence

Onto the gameplay, and I’m sure you won’t be shocked to hear me say that if you have played a KEMCO game before, you won’t find anything here to shock you. Chrome Wolf is split into two basic sections, exploring and fighting, as per usual. But there is very much an emphasis on the combat as it seems there is a random fight popping up with every other step!

The basic gameplay loop is as follows – go to the headquarters, select a mission or a side quest, then set off into the world to try and find the location you need to get to. However, in an interesting move, the location of the next mission isn’t marked on the map, as that would obviously make things too easy…

It is as you try to move around that you first notice issues with the controls in Chrome Wolf. There is absolutely no diagonal movement possible, for some bizarre reason, and the basic four directional movement is so imprecise that it makes getting through doorways a real challenge. In the later levels, the floors are covered with spikes, and you will quickly run out of safety boots (an item that negates floor damage) as it is nigh impossible to navigate a thin strip between the spikes successfully. I’ll say it – these are the worst controls I’ve seen in a KEMCO game, and trying to go diagonally (as you need to sometimes for a corridor, say) requires you to press up, left, up , left and so on ad infinitum. It’s annoying that I can’t use the words I’d like to (family website and all) but it is not a good control system that is available in Chrome Wolf. 

Combat is a bit better, if somewhat too prevalent due to the enormous number of random battles. Battles are fought in a turn based style, and the usual abilities are there – attack, defend, use an item or a skill. You can even climb aboard the tank if you are getting battered and the tank is allowed in the area you are in. However, as long as you keep up with your equipment and replace it when it is available, 90% of the fights can be won by just pressing RB and letting them fight on autopilot. It’s not the most engaging battle system I’ve used. 

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Navigation can be a pain

As well as buying new gear for the team, you can also fit new parts to the tank. Replacing its gun, engine and so on can help you stay alive in the challenging battles when you are tank based. Each gun you equip brings new abilities too, such as multiple shots or smoke shells to up your evasiveness. Keeping the tank up to date is very important, and has a big part to play in the game. 

It is tricky to score Chrome Wolf as while the story and basic premise are good, the controls and over reliance on random battles are not. There is fun to be had here, but the majority of other KEMCO titles that have come before this one are, on the whole, more polished and better to play. 

If you fancy yourself as a tank commander, fill your boots with Chrome Wolf. But the controls are a big stumbling block. Finding yourself getting stuck on a corner, before being thrust into yet another fight, soon takes the shine off.


  • Good story keeps you playing
  • Tanks are never not cool
  • Controls are awful
  • Why so many random fights?
  • Massive thanks for the free copy of the game, KEMCO
  • Formats - Xbox Series X|S (review), Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC
  • Release date and price - 18 August 2023 | £12.49
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<b>Pros:</b> <ul> <li>Good story keeps you playing</li> <li>Tanks are never not cool</li> </ul> <b>Cons:</b> <ul> <li>Controls are awful</li> <li>Why so many random fights?</li> </ul> <b>Info:</b> <ul> <li>Massive thanks for the free copy of the game, KEMCO</li> <li>Formats - Xbox Series X|S (review), Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC <li>Release date and price - 18 August 2023 | £12.49</li> </ul>Chrome Wolf Review
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